Year 9


The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands. These strands are Language, Literature, and Literacy which are interwoven representing a focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and creating. For further information, please contact the HOLA (Head of Learning Area) of this department.


Mathematics in Year 9 follows the Western Australian Curriculum and contains work from the Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, and Statistics & Probability strands. For further information, please contact the HOLA (Head of Learning Area) of this department.


The three strands of the curriculum, Science Inquiry Skills, Science Understanding and Science as a Human Endeavour are interrelated, and their content is taught in an integrated way. In Year 9, students explore ways in which the human body as a system responds to its external environment and the interdependencies between biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. They study the atom as a system of protons, electrons, and neutrons, and how this system can change through nuclear decay. They also consider how matter can be rearranged through chemical change, are introduced to the concept of the conservation of matter and apply their understanding of energy and forces to the global system of continental movement. Students continue to develop their understanding of the scientific method and their experimenting skills. For further information, please contact the HOLA (Head of Learning Area) of this department.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS)

The Humanities and Social Sciences, enable students to develop their critical thinking and skill application ready for life after school. We focus on skills such as questioning, research, analysis, evaluation, communication, and reflection through investigation of events, developments, issues, and phenomena in both historical and contemporary contexts. The four subject areas covered in HASS are Geography, Economics, History and Politics and Law. For further information, please contact the HOLA (Head of Learning Area) of this department.


The units are designed to continue to develop skills in the reading, writing, listening and performance of music, which will greatly assist their instrumental lesson within school hours each week. Students will focus on the minor scale and will extend their compositional skills and use the Sibelius notation program to compose formal art works using a variety of techniques.

This specialist course is compulsory for students already receiving tuition on a musical instrument through the Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) Program. Students studying an instrument privately are also recommended to select these units and are encouraged to be involved in an ensemble.

For further information, please contact the Music Department.


The Engagement program has been set up to inspire young minds to shine by empowering students to develop their strengths, build resilience and shine. The program is split into three distinct areas, Literacy, Numeracy and Educational Support. Identified students have an individually structured program, developed to meet their individual needs. Please contact Charlotte Edwards for more information (

More information Yr 9 Engagement


Year 9 students can elect to continue studying the language they studied in Year 8 (Japanese or Italian). The same language is studied in both semesters. Learning a language helps to improve communication, employability, and English language skills. For further information, please contact the English Department.

Physical Education

Students are extended in Year 9 with movement skills and sequences increasing in complexity. Students are required to perform movements with increased speed, control, and accuracy. They implement tactics and adapt them in response to prior experiences. Students will participate in a range of sporting contexts such as handball, sof-crosse, football, netball, athletics, touch, softball, and volleyball. For further information, please contact the Physical Education and Health Department.

Health Education

Students will evaluate a range of characteristics of respectful relationships, such as showing respect for self and others, and personal differences and opinions. They will describe and apply appropriate skills and strategies to resolve and manage conflict within different environments. Students will also explore online health information and identify and apply relevant criteria to determine the reliability and suitability of the information for the context. For further information, please contact the Physical Education and Health Department.

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education aims to develop an understanding of our relationships with the environment, others, and ourselves. The focus in Year 9 is on team building and development through outdoor activities in a range of environments, including bushwalking, canoeing, and orienteering. It provides students with an opportunity to develop essential life skills and a positive relationship with nature. This course encourages students to adopt active and healthy pursuits within the outdoor environment and gives students adventurous skills and knowledge for future Outdoor Education courses. For further information, please contact the Physical Education and Health Department.

Eastern Hills Sports Academy

The Eastern Hills Sports Academy is a program which engages students in high-quality sporting environment to improve sporting performance and develop teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal skills. The Sports Academy encourages students to actively engage with their local community through sport while promoting lifelong participation and learning. Students entering Year 9 have the option to choose the Boys Football Program, Girls Football Program, Basketball Program and Netball Program.

Students within the Sports Academy are expected to demonstrate positive behaviour standards both at school and while representing the school at interschool competitions. An application process may be conducted to determine the suitability of students wishing to enter the Sports Academy. For further information, please contact the Physical Education and Health Department.


Year 9 Arts courses are available in the areas of Media, Visual Arts, Computer Graphics and Drama. For further information, please contact the Arts Department.


Design and Technology

Year 9 Design and Technology units consist of Woodwork, Metalwork, Technical Drawing, Photography and Jewellery. For further information, please contact the HOLA (Head of Learning Area) of this department.

Home Economics

Fun with Food
Students will be encouraged to develop their practical cooking skills by preparing a range of foods through designing and preparing their own recipes. Students will cook a range of snack foods and simple meals that can easily be prepared at home. They will extend their knowledge of food and nutrition and learn about different food choices.

Good Food
Students will be encouraged to develop their practical cooking skills by preparing a range of foods through designing and preparing their own recipes. Students will learn a range of food preparation skills and develop their confidence in cooking food for themselves and others. They will extend their knowledge of food and nutrition and learn about different food products available to them.

Caring for Children and Myself

Students will learn the safety requirements in the home as part of the role of babysitting for young children. Students interact with local primary schools to create soft toys and games to meet the learning development of this age group. Caring for Myself allows students to understand the importance of self-image, respect and how to look after each other with the responsible use of social media.