

If a student is sick a parent or guardian needs to inform the Front Office on 9573 0300 in the morning of absence. An attendance note can be added also in Compass.  If a call or Compass notification is not received, an SMS alert will be sent to the mobile phone of the contact person.

Once back at school, if the student has been absent for more than two consecutive days a written note/medical certificate explaining the absence to the above email address is required.

Late arrival / early departure

Students who arrive late to school or leave early from school must supply a note with reasonable explanation to the Attendance Office.

Students who arrive late will be given a late pass which they need to give to their Classroom teacher.

If your child requires an early departure then please provide them with a note to show their teachers in order for them to leave class.

When dropping off or collecting your child from school please ensure you sign them in/out at the front office as this will prevent absentee SMS messages being sent to you.

Attendance Office Contact Details

Phone: 9573 0300 (and follow the prompts)