Following teacher/family indication students may be tested and then recommended to enter the literacy program. Students previously identified may continue with the program in Year 9. The program is individualised for each student and may be made up of some or all of the following elements.
Spelling Mastery – the program aims at developing students’ spelling skills through three interwoven strategies. These strategies work together to ensure that all students make progress towards spelling proficiency.
Spell-It – a more flexible program that can be used in conjunction with Spelling Mastery. Spell-It teaches diverse sound-letter relationships, syllable structures, reliable spelling rules and conventions, morphemes and word origins, along with proof reading strategies for applying spelling knowledge to writing. Each teaching topic is designed to allow instruction to be differentiated to meets students’ needs.
Teaching Comprehension strategies– this is a series of seven books using modelling, guided practice and independent practice to teach students strategies they can use to develop different reading comprehension skills. The focus of this program is on process not the product – students learn to understand how it is done before they are required to demonstrate they can do it.
Primary Writing – a series of activities designed to provide opportunities for students to read, examine and write a variety of text types; narratives; recounts, procedures; reports, explanations and expositions.
This small group instructional reading program has been developed to address the literacy needs of older struggling readers. It is a carefully sequenced and structured program of instruction for small groups of students who have fallen substantially behind in the mechanics of learning to read.
Multilit (one on one intervention)
Students who are offered this program are experiencing difficulties that are persistent, enduring and frequently phonological in nature. Students at this level require repetition as well as constant and extensive exposure to letters and words.
CARS and STARS – the program is divided into two parts: CARS (the assessment portion) and STARS (the instruction portion). Each CARS and STARS level (A–H) consists of both a Student Book and a Teacher Guide. Benchmarking tests and Post Tests in CARS are used to assess how goals are progressing and then to determine if goals have been achieved.
Following teacher/family indication in Year 8 students are tested and may be recommended to enter the numeracy program. The program is individualised for each student and may be made up of some or all of the following elements. Students may also work on a program develop by their classroom teacher for their specific needs.
CAMS and STAMS – is a powerful, integrated program that focuses specifically on the fundamental maths skills students must master. CAMS, STAMS works effectively as a program to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of key mathematical concepts – ultimately helping them succeed on tests and become independent problem solvers. Then benchmarking tests and post-tests in CAMS are used to assess how goals are progressing and then to determine if goals have been achieved.
Top Ten Maths
Top Ten uses a hands-on approach to maths, not worksheets and click-answer technologies. Top Ten takes maths back to its origins – back to materials. All units are developmentally-sequenced, students on a journey through the big ideas of mathematics.
Top Ten diagnostic assessments are paper-based, focusing on strategies, not just answers. These then pinpoint developmental gaps using spreadsheets that calculate points-of-need, gaps, growth and value-add before and after each unit. Formative assessments are also built into the units.
Educational Support
The Eastern Hills Education Support Program is a school-based specialised program for students who would either qualify for entry to a specialist Education Support Centre, may have a demonstrated high educational need due to hearing impairment or have an Individual Disability Allocation for Autism Spectrum Disorder and a demonstrated high educational need. Students may also be considered following an ABLE WA assessment initiated by parent request. The program is inclusive of students from Years 7 – 12 and Year 13 on application. All students take part in up to two options a term and P.E. in the specialist areas of the school with support from EA where necessary.
The program provides students with the opportunity to develop their social, emotional and academic ability to become active and productive community members. All students have an Individualised Education Plan which is developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including parents.
The Program takes an inclusive approach using Able WA with links to the WA Curriculum. There is a focus on developing independence, resiliency and protective behaviours, while also building on functional literacy and numeracy skills. Students also engage in appropriate specialist areas within the school. Students may also participate in practical work placements and independent living skills in the community. Partnerships with families and support agencies are important in developing productive transition pathways.
Functional Literacy and English
Students will participate in a wide variety of lessons that will allow them to develop key skills in a supported, carefully sequenced environment. Key to this unity, is ensuring students have ample opportunity to practice using their knowledge and skills within real-world scenarios.
Functional Numeracy and Maths
Students will complete a sequence of units through the Top Ten Maths Program and Clarke Road Money. All units significantly use visual and kinaesthetic learning for maths sessions, with literacy and STEM hooks. The lessons are the best hands-on lessons and have been well tested in Educational Support settings.
ASDAN (New Horizons)
New Horizons is an activity-based curriculum resource which supports the delivery of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, Citizenship and Careers Education. The activities also offer an opportunity to develop communication and numeracy skills in a life skills setting.
The New Horizons programme is learner-centred, offering structure and flexibility; it provides recognition for small steps in achievement.
Working with the teacher, the student completes a Personal Skills section in the New Horizons Record Book for each module they do, which will help them identify specific things they’re good at.
The final activity in each module is My Challenge. This requires the learner, working with the teacher, to identify something new they would like to try.
Health and Protective Behaviours
Students will explore a range of important Health topics as aligned to the WA curriculum. Protective Behaviours is a life skill and personal safety program which is embedded in all lessons but taught explicitly during Health sessions. Students are taught the terms “consent” and “no consent” in day to day life situations.
The Protective Behaviours program has two core themes:
- We all have the right to feel safe at all times.
- We can talk about anything with someone, no matter what it is.